FAQ: What is the "dreaded diamond"? ←(in the new Super-FAQ)
It's in Section: Inheritance — multiple and virtual inheritance:
- FAQ: How is this section organized?
- FAQ: I've been told that I should never use multiple inheritance. Is that right?
- FAQ: So there are times when multiple inheritance isn't bad?!??
- FAQ: What are some disciplines for using multiple inheritance?
- FAQ: Can you provide an example that demonstrates the above guidelines?
- FAQ: Is there a simple way to visualize all these tradeoffs?
- FAQ: Can you give another example to illustrate the above disciplines?
- FAQ: What is the "dreaded diamond"? (this FAQ)
- FAQ: Where in a hierarchy should I use virtual inheritance?
- FAQ: What does it mean to "delegate to a sister class" via virtual inheritance?
- FAQ: What special considerations do I need to know about when I use virtual inheritance?
- FAQ: What special considerations do I need to know about when I inherit from a class that uses virtual inheritance?
- FAQ: What special considerations do I need to know about when I use a class that uses virtual inheritance?
- FAQ: One more time: what is the exact order of constructors in a multiple and/or virtual inheritance situation?
- FAQ: What is the exact order of destructors in a multiple and/or virtual inheritance situation?