FAQ: What's the difference between virtual data and dynamic data? ←(in the new Super-FAQ)
It's in Section: Reference and value semantics:
- FAQ: What is value and/or reference semantics, and which is best in C++?
- FAQ: What is "virtual data," and how-can / why-would I use it in C++?
- FAQ: What's the difference between virtual data and dynamic data? (this FAQ)
- FAQ: Should I normally use pointers to freestore allocated objects for my data members, or should I use "composition"?
- FAQ: What are relative costs of the 3 performance hits associated with allocating member objects from the freestore?
- FAQ: Are "inline virtual" member functions ever actually "inlined"?
- FAQ: Sounds like I should never use reference semantics, right?
- FAQ: Does the poor performance of reference semantics mean I should pass-by-value?